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Digestive Problems on Holiday

Digestive problems on holiday are very common, including diarrhea, constipation, gastric reflux. Recommendations to treat these symptoms.

The digestive problems on holiday are very common. During stays away from home, as a result,  we tend to suffer digestive disorders for different reasons. A syndrome of adaptation to the new place, dietary changes, less fluid intake, poor hygiene conditions, among other factors.

3 Common Digestive Problems on Holiday


One of these disorders is difficulty passing stool, strange stools or feeling that the evacuation was not complete. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and increase waste diets.


Usually very frequent, there are many causes and manifestations of diarrhea, if it is a non-infectious and not very intense diarrhea, we recommend a diet with low levels of carbohydrates and abundant isotonic fluids.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) 

A digestive disorder that arises when reflux damages the esophagus and other organs. The main symptoms are burning behind the breastbone, a feeling of heartburn in the stomach, discomfort and upper abdominal pain.

We recommend:

  1. That you eat less
  2. Increase eating frequency during the day
  3. Do not eat before going to bed
  4. Do not eat while drinking alcohol
  5. Do not smoke,
  6. Lose body weight,
  7. among others.

The best solution to your digestive problem on holiday can be given by a doctor, according to Dr Garcia from the Drnear.online team.


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