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Privacy Policy

This statement informs about the processing of personal information that we collect from users, visitors to our website, information about your personal data, as well as the payment data provided by you and collected on our website, phones, emails and other ways. . Medical Response International SLU, is the owner of, Https://www.drnear.me, hereinafter “the website Drnear.me”, which is informed to users, hereinafter “patient user” and website visitors , in compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), in accordance with the requirement of article 10 of the aforementioned Law. Making available to the user the aforementioned data. Involving the acceptance of the privacy policies and contract terms with the use of the website.

The interested party can contact the data protection delegate: Global Consultors & Controllers SL Contact: https://www.globalconsultors.es, Email: info@globalconsultors.es, or by sending their request by post to Medical Response International SLU, Victorio Luzuriaga street 34 B, 07015. Palma de Mallorca. Spain or email: patient@drnear.me

Medical Response International SLU, is responsible for the treatment of the data collected, being the owner and responsible for a file, committing to protect and respect the privacy of that data. We inform users about the processing of personal data, obtaining and uses for any question related to it, likewise reserves the right to modify the privacy policy at any time, communicating to users so that the changes and the acceptance of the same, in case of continuing to be users.

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of their personal data and the free movement of these, the Law Organic 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights and Law 41/2002, of November 14, Basic Regulatory of the Autonomy of the Patient and Rights and Obligations in the Matter of Information and Clinical Documentation, Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter RGPD) and RD 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulations for the development of the RGPD (hereinafter RLOPD) patients, users and the general public are informed, regulating the use, including access without user identification, of the services of the website https://www.drnear.me in relation to the following aspects:

Obtaining the data and purpose

The data is collected in order to manage, maintain and control the relationship with you, the use or the provision of services.

We collect your identification data, transactional data for the payment of the services offered on the web, as patients or representatives of the same.

Data necessary to provide a quality medical care service, which will be obtained:

a) The data will be provided by the interested party or the patient’s representative when visiting the website Drnear.me, b) the internet protocol (IP) address and other data such as the browser you use, pages you visit on the website, c ) also by registering as a patient user, to use the services of the web, d) in the contact forms on the web, e) reservations of medical appointments on the platform, d) information that is sent regarding contracted services , as well as others related to the platform, e) They are also obtained by cookies and similar technologies, which we will comment on below.

Aggregated data: We also collect, use and share anonymised and aggregated data,  such as statistical or demographic data for our own internal and marketing purposes. Aggregated Data is be derived from your personal data but is not considered personal data in law as this data does not directly or indirectly reveal your identity.


Drnear.me uses cookies on its website, which contain information that is downloaded to your computer or mobile device when the patient user visits the website, allowing the website to recognize the user’s device. They have different functions: to improve the user’s navigation, being these own or of third parties, session or persistent, advertising, analysis, techniques and personalization.

The user will freely decide whether or not to implant cookies and their elimination, as indicated by their browser. You can also configure it to accept or not cookies. The limitation of cookies could affect the services and operation of the website.

The data will also be processed in order to manage and process requests for information, complaints, suggestions, claims, linked to data protection and their rights, with the consent of the interested party and / or legitimate interest of the person responsible for the treatment.

The data may also be used to send information about services, products, the newsletter that you have explicitly subscribed and accepted, as well as for the billing and collection of the services offered on the website.

The data may be used for surveys on the service received, in order to improve them.

The geographical location data of the mobile device and computer in order to provide medical assistance services.

The data of doctors, medical centers will be processed to manage the services they offer on our website. Patients access the information necessary for the sale of the aforementioned service.

The data will be used to analyze and prepare reports for statistical purposes on the use of services. Improve and perfect the tools and functionalities provided by the services.

The data may be used for legal purposes, for data protection, health issues, tax agency, etc.

Social media data

In the event that you register on the Drnear.me website, using the registration data from Facebook or Google, Drnear.me will store these data only for the user registration. The information transferred is subject to the privacy policies and terms of use of Facebook and Google.

If you want to prevent the transfer of such data, you can register directly on our website Drnear.me.

Drnear.me has a company profile on facebook, LinkedIn to provide information on products and services

The user will be able to access the privacy policies of these Social Networks and guarantee their own privacy.

Time of conservation of your data

The data will be kept for the time strictly necessary for the purpose for which they were taken, at least five years, unless a specific regulation establishes a minimum period of conservation greater than that indicated, in which case the provisions of the applicable regulations will be followed.

Once the minimum period is exceeded, and there is no care and / or contractual relationship, the person in charge will keep this data blocked, in order to comply with legal requirements.

Those personal data provided requesting information, complaint, suggestion, claim, data protection exercises, will be kept for the time necessary for the processing of the request, exercise and defense of claims and for the established legal time.

The data processed for legal issues will be kept for the time established by law.

Those data that the user has subscribed, giving their consent, will be kept until the user unsubscribes or exercises the right of deletion or opposition.

The data collected for the formalization and execution of the contract will be kept for the duration of the contractual relationship, as well as for the period necessary for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims, at least five years.

The data processed for the sending of commercial communications will be kept until the interested party does not revoke the consent and / or exercise their rights of opposition and / or deletion.

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